International Students Conference on Environment and Climate Change -2017,Village- Dabla,Shree Ganga Nagar - Jambhani Samachar


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Tuesday 9 May 2017

International Students Conference on Environment and Climate Change -2017,Village- Dabla,Shree Ganga Nagar

Reporting:- Ram Krishan Bishnoi

Shree ganganagar

International Students Conference on Environment and
Climate Change -2017,Village- Dabla,Shree Ganga Nagar
(On 3rd, 4th and 5th June)
It is my honor to announce on the eve of World Environment Day that is going to be held on 5th
June 2017, G3S Foundation along with many organizations is organizing an International
Student conference on Environment and Climate Change. We have chosen Bishnoi community
from Rajasthan (India). Bishnoi (also known as Vishnoi) is a religious group in the Western Thar
Desert and the northern state of India. They follow a set of 29 principles given by Guru
Jambheshwar, who lived in the 15th century and often said that trees and wildlife should be
protected, prophesying that harming the environment means harming oneself.
The Bishnoi narrates the story of Amrita Devi, a Bishnoi woman who along with more than 363
other Bishnois, died saving the Khejarli trees. Nearly two centuries ago, Maharajah Abhay Singh
of Jodhpur required wood for the construction of his new palace. So the king sent his soldiers to
cut trees in the nearby region of Khejarli, where the village is filled with a large number of trees.
But when Amrita Devi and local villagers came to know about it, they opposed the king's men.
The feudal party told her that if she wanted the trees to be spared, she would have to give
them money as a bribe. She refused to acknowledge this demand and told them that she would
consider it as an act of insult to her religious faith and would rather give away her life to save
the green trees.
This international Conference is going to be India’s first International student conference
specially dedicated to environment issues. There will have representative from Hungry, USA,
Nigeria, South Korea, Afghanistan, and Portugal along with 8 Indian states (Bihar, Jharkhand,
Punjab, Assam, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Kerala, Haryana, and Karnataka). This conference will
also be covered by media delegate. This is an extensive program to understand the Global
Prospect of Environmental Issues and in this way, some international Delegate will present
topics of Environmental issues. The program has been divided into Cultural, Guided Village
expedition of Bishnoi Community, Film Screening, Plantation, Photography, Organic Farming,
and Wildlife conservation. Participants will have a chance to interact with Bishnoi community
and Deer (non-profit conservation) as a natural friend.

Programme timing and details of events
June 4th 2017, Sunday Timing Programme detail Contact person
First session
1. 10.00-10.15 Registration Anil Kumar,Rakesh Bishnoi
2. 10.15-10.20 National anthem Dolly and Group
3. Lighting Deepak Kumar,Sanjay
4. 10.30-11.00 Welcome prayer Ram Krishan Bishnoi
5. 11.00-11.15 Opening speech Deepak Kumar,Ram Krishan
6. 11.15-11.30 Memento presentation Group of G3S FOUNDATION
7. 11.30-11.45 Tea break By organizing Team
8. 11.45-12.00 Movie screening Abhishek, Anuradha
9. 12.00-13.00 Paper presentation(5 Paper) Anil Kumar,Anish Kumar
Second session
10. Lunch By organizing Team
11. 14.00-15.00 Group Discussion on Environmental
Deepak and Anil Kumar
12 15:00-15:15 Special Lecture on Environmental
issues in African Countries by
Adebakin Azeez
Babatunde,Lecturer,Department of
Educational Management,Obafemi
Awolowo University,lle-lfe,Nigeria
Anil Kumar
13. 15:15-15:30 UN Sustainable 13th Goal on Cimate
Action by Jin Bak,Research
Scholar,Seoul National
University,Seoul,Republic of
Korea(South Korea)
Anil Kumar
14. 15.30-16.00 Cultural programme Alok,Dolly,Anuradha,Ishan
15. 16.00-16.15 Tea break By organizing Team
16. 16.15-16.30 Speech on Global Environmental
issues by Katherine Hreib(
Environmental Network Coordinator,
Deepak Kumar and Anil
17. 16.30-17.00 School student performance on
Environmental issues
18. 17.00-17.15 Break and briefing Organizing Team
19. 17.15-19.00 Guided Village tour Ram Krishan and Alok
20. 19.00-20.00 Dinner By organizing team

21. 20.00-21.00 Traditional cultural programme Rakesh Bishnoi and Ram

May 5 2017, Monday Timing Programme detail Contact person
First session
1. 7.00-7.30 Yoga Dolly,Anuradha
2. 7.30-8.00 Tree plantation By Team
3. 8.00-9.00 Breakfast BY team
4. 9.00-9.15 Registration Rakesh Bishnoi
5. 9.15-9.20 National anthem Organizing Team
6. 9.20-9.30 Introductory Speech Anil Kumar
7. 9.30-10.00 Street play on Environmental issues By organizing team
8. 10.00-11.00 Paper presentation(5 Paper ) Anish Kumar
9. 11.00-11.15 Tea break Organizing team
10. 11.15-11.30 Movie screening on Environmental Issues Abhishek
11. 11.30-13.00 Discussion and presentation on Global
warming in Group(45 Minutes for Discussion
+45 Minutes for Presentation in Group ) all
Riju Moni Boro and Anil
12. 13.00-14.00 Lunch Organizing Team
Second session
13. 14.00-14.30 Role Play on Environmental Issue Deepak Kumar and Ram
14. 14.30-15.00 1.Lecture- Role of NGOs/Governmental
Agency on Environmental Conservation
2.Role of Media(Print, Electronic and Social
Media for Environmental conservation(30
Minutes Each For Lecture and 15 minutes for
Discussion )
Anil Kumar,Riju Moni
Boro,Rakesh Bishnoi
15. 15.00-15.30 Lecture on Environmental issues in European
Countries by Tomo Kovacs, Research Scholar
and Educationalist, ,Hungry(online)
Anil Kumar
16. 15.15-15.30 Role of Europian Union on Enviromental
issues by Ana Rita Joia, Research Scholar,
University of Lisbon,Purtugal
Anil Kumar
17. 15.30-15.45 Cultural program Dolly,Anuradha,Abhishek
18. 15.45-16.00 Break Organizing Team
19. 16.00-16.45 Certificate distribution Organizing Team
20. 16.45-17.00 Break and briefing Organizing Team
21. 17.00-18.30 Guided Wildlife Village tour Ram Krishan and Alok
22. 18.30-19.15 Dinner Organizing Team
23. 19.30 Boarding Time Organizing Team (Delhi)

Program Mentors:
Prof. Manish Kumar, Department of Political Science SSN College (University of Delhi), Dr.
Sheema Upadhayay (Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi), Miss Subhi Dhupar
(Coordinator North India & Afghanistan- URI), Miss Katherine Hreib ( Environmental Network
Coordinator at United Religion Initiative- San Francisco, California USA),Tomo
Management Committee
Sn. Program Coordinator Contact Detail
1. Mr.Deepak Kumar International Program Coordinator 8860467001
2. Mr.Anish Kumar Paper Presentation Coordinator 9431681648
3. Mr.Abhishek Short Film/Documentary Screening 7042922416
4. Mr.AlokTravel and Tour Coordinator 8010914138
5. Ms.Anuradha,Women Cell 9431681648
6. Mr.Rijumoni Boro North –East India 9711946059
7. Mr. Shafi, South India 9633886619
8. Mr.Deepak Kumar International Program Coordinator 9431681648
9. Mr. Ram Krishan Bishnoi Accommodation and
Logistic Coordinator
10. Mr.Anil Kumar Media Coordinator 8860467001
11. Mr.Punit , Photography and Video 7042922416
12. Mr.Deepak Kumar,State Coordinator 9431681648
National Help Line Number-+91-8860467001,+91-9431681648

Facebook -
Registration Process :
Online Registration for outsiders and also offline process will available on Registration Desk
Registration Fee- INR 600 Rupees is Registration fee including all accommodation, Rajasthani
Cultural Program, Wildlife Tour of Camel and Deer, Guided Village Tour and Local
Transportation. You may deposit your registration in mention account Number.
You may also donate for Environment Cause on below Bank detail.
Bank Detail
Name of Bank- Allahabad Bank
Account Number-50385782893
IFS Code-ALLA0212455
PAN Number-AACAG8604P

Registration link:


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